Thank you for registering for Emmaus 2024-2025!
Please keep in mind that you need to complete the below form for each member of your family that will be attending. Simply click the "Return to Form" button on the confirmation page.
Photographs and videos taken during Emmaus may be displayed publicly (i.e. parish website, brochures, bulletin boards, etc.) to keep the community aware and informed of parish events and activities.
Please consider the payment options below carefully. You are able to complete payment once for your entire family (note: children under 4 years of age are free). On subsequent forms, simply select "Paid on a Previous Registration."
This one-time fee covers participation, meals, and materials for all events. Scholarships are available to those who may need assistance by contacting the parish office.
Note: "Autofill Link" is an optional feature provided by our Online Giving payment processor.